BikeHouston is transforming our city so that anyone, regardless of who they are or where they live, can safely and easily get around Houston on a bike. 

Bicycling is already the healthiest, most efficient mode of transportation. We believe it could also be the most convenient and accessible mode of transportation. But today, our bikeway network lacks the necessary  connectivity to make bicycling a viable option for all who wish to ride. 

That’s why we’re harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of Houstonians who ride bikes (as well as those who want to ride bikes) to address gaps in the bike network, confront urgent traffic safety challenges, and educate decision makers about the issues that matter to people on bikes. By forging partnerships with businesses, organizations and individuals whose missions intersect with ours, our collective voice can’t be ignored. 

The most bike-friendly cities around the world have comprehensive networks of safe, dedicated rights of way like off-street paths or on-street bike lanes which make cycling at least as convenient as other modes. With average temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees nine months of the year and pancake-flat terrain, Houston was made to be a world-class bicycling city. But it’s up to Houstonians—Houston’s greatest asset—to demand a built environment which capitalizes on our intrinsic strengths, including a bikeway network which connects more people with more places.

In order to realize our vision of a Houston where anyone can ride a bike, we need your voice. Learn how to get involved.



Joe Cutrufo

Executive Director

Robin Holzer

Deputy Director

Robert Grobe

Special Projects Coordinator

Board Of Directors

Magnus Rayos, Chair 

Nikki Knight, Vice Chair

David Emami, Treasurer 

Sanjay Bapat, Secretary

Marcel Broeshart

Brian Chambers

Heather Lee

Nathan Marquez

Gregg Nady

Madeleine Pelzel

Evan Peterson

Joy Roth

Carter Stern