Business & Community partners
Become a bikeHouston Partner
When you partner with BikeHouston through the Business & Community Partners program, you’re not only demonstrating your company or organization’s commitment to sustainable transportation options, but you’re also investing in a future where anyone can safely and easily get around Houston by bike. And it pays dividends:
Employees who commute by bike are more productive.
People who travel by bike spend more at local businesses.
Cities with multimodal transportation options attract top talent.
Bike lanes and trails are good for property values.
Your partnership comes with recognition on BikeHouston’s website and email newsletters, and a selection of other benefits and services.
WHICH Partnership level IS RIGHT FOR YOU?
Startups and Sole Proprietorships
We also offer a partnership package exclusively for startups and sole proprietorships, which includes recognition on the BikeHouston website plus one ticket to the annual Houston Bike Summit. Contact us for pricing.
Interested in a partnership but have other ideas in mind for benefits and services? Give us a call. We're happy to work with you on a custom package that suits the needs of your company or organization.
*A workshop on commuting by bicycle, the basics of bicycle advocacy, development review, or technical assistance toward Bicycle Friendly Business certification.